FRMetS Register

To become a Fellow, applicants must demonstrate that they meet both the following requirements:

Requirement 1. Has a formal academic qualification involving meteorology, or a vocational qualification in meteorology, or long involvement in a variety of meteorological activities at a professional level or as an amateur enthusiast.
Requirement 2. Makes substantial contributions to promoting meteorology as a science, profession or interest.

Applicants are required to provide two referees, at least one of whom must be a fellow of RMetS.

Full details of how to apply are given on our Fellowship Scheme page.

All those elected may use the post-nominals FRMetS as a statement of their standing in meteorology.


Please contact us if you would like to be removed from this list.

Title Forenames Surname
Mr David Malcolm Gray
Dr Warren Ross Gray
Prof Lesley Gray
Prof Suzanne Louise Gray
Prof Richard Greatbatch
Dr Paul Green
Mr Jonathan Greene
Mr Peter Noel Greenhalgh
Mr Philip Greenwood
Mr David Michael Greenwood
Prof Jonathan Gregory
Mrs Dee Greig-Dunn
Mr Richard Griffith
Mr John Oliver Griffiths
Prof David John Griggs
Prof Sue Grimmond
Mrs Victoria Grobler
Mr Keith Groves
Mrs Anabelle Jeanne Guillory
Dr Mark Philip Guishard
Mr Paul Gundersen
Mr William John Simpson Gunn
Dr Lara Nicole Gunn
Prof Robert James Gurney
Mr Trevor Guymer
Ms Michele Hackman
Dr Brian Douglas Haddock
Dr Panayiotis Hadjinicolaou
Col Klaus Hager
Miss Margaret Haggis
Prof Thomas Haine
Mr Rodney Hale
Mr Baden Hall
Mr Ray Hall
Mr Dean Hall
Mr Barry Hall
Mrs Nina Hall
Dr James Halliday
Dr Carol Elizabeth Halliwell
Prof Krzysztof Haman
Mr Les Hambly
Mr John Hammond
Mrs Emma Hamshaw
Dr Nigel Hancock
Mrs Eleanore Rachel Hands
Capt Albert Hanley-Browne
Prof Edward Hanna
Dr Paul Hannah
Prof Paul James Hardaker
Mr Mervyn Hardman