FRMetS Register

To become a Fellow, applicants must demonstrate that they meet both the following requirements:

Requirement 1. Has a formal academic qualification involving meteorology, or a vocational qualification in meteorology, or long involvement in a variety of meteorological activities at a professional level or as an amateur enthusiast.
Requirement 2. Makes substantial contributions to promoting meteorology as a science, profession or interest.

Applicants are required to provide two referees, at least one of whom must be a fellow of RMetS.

Full details of how to apply are given on our Fellowship Scheme page.

All those elected may use the post-nominals FRMetS as a statement of their standing in meteorology.


Please contact us if you would like to be removed from this list.

Title Forenames Surname
Prof Joseph Holden
Mrs Jennie Holley
Dr Naomi Penelope Holliday
Mr Michael Holmes
Dr Christopher P Holt
Mr Simon Timothy Edward Honnor
Mr John Stewart Hopkins
Mr Colin Hord
Mr Barry William Horton
Mr Malcolm Nicholas Hough
Dr Richenda Elouise Houseago-Stokes
Prof Robert Houze
Mr Lawrence Howard
Mr Christopher Howson
Dr Theodore V Hromadka
Mr Tudor Hughes
Mr Nicholas David Peter Hughes
Mr Matthew Victor Hugo
Dr Christopher Hume
Prof Garry Hunt
Mr Charles James Hunt
Dr Kieran M R Hunt
Mr Kyle Hunter
Dr James W. Hurrell
Cdr Timothy Simon Hutchins
Dr Peter Hutchinson
Dr Radan Huth
Prof Philippe Huybrechts
Prof Anthony Illingworth
Miss Sarah Ineson
Mr Nigel Bruce Ingleby
Mr William Ingram
Dr Peter Michael Inness
Dr Antje Inness
Dr Gordon Inverarity
Mrs Briony Ireland
Dr George Isaac
Mrs Elaine Ives
Mr Michael Jackson
Prof David Jackson
Dr Sarah Jane Jackson
Dr Herta Jacobs
Mr Harold Jagger
Prof Christian Jakob
Rev Ian James
Mrs Louise Stephanie Jameson
Mr Ian Jameson
Mr David Jameson
Dr Peter A E M Janssen
Dr David Jaroszweski