FRMetS Register

To become a Fellow, applicants must demonstrate that they meet both the following requirements:

Requirement 1. Has a formal academic qualification involving meteorology, or a vocational qualification in meteorology, or long involvement in a variety of meteorological activities at a professional level or as an amateur enthusiast.
Requirement 2. Makes substantial contributions to promoting meteorology as a science, profession or interest.

Applicants are required to provide two referees, at least one of whom must be a fellow of RMetS.

Full details of how to apply are given on our Fellowship Scheme page.

All those elected may use the post-nominals FRMetS as a statement of their standing in meteorology.


Please contact us if you would like to be removed from this list.

Title Forenames Surname
Dr Thomas Fugard
Mr John Fullwood
Dr Alan Gadd
Prof Alan Gadian
Dr Alexandre Gagnon
Mr Nigel Gait
Mr James Galvin
Mr Martin Gange
Mr Hamish Gant
Dr Meng Gao
Prof Jose Garcia
Dr Barry Gardiner
Mr Malcolm Garland
Dr Wendy Garland
Dr John H Gash
Miss Steff Gaulter
Dr Urs Germann
Dr Anna Ghelli
Mr Panagiotis Giannopoulos
Prof John David Gibbon
Mr Peter Gibbs
Mr Ralph Gibson
Dr Ella Gilbert
Ms Laura Gilchrist
Mr William George Giles
Mr John Giles
Mr Som Gill
Dr Neil Robert Gimson
Mr Theodoros Gkousarov
Dr Stephen Glascoe
Mr Philip Goldsmith
Mr Kyle Gollegly
Dr Amee Gollop
Mr Bernard Good
Mr James Goodall
Mr Philip John Goodall
Mr Roger Goodhew
Mr Alan Goodman
Dr Margaret Gordon
Dr Neil Gordon
Prof Simon Gosling
Mr David Gosney
Dr Bedartha Goswami
Dr William John Gould
Mr John S Goulding
Prof Wojciech Grabowski
Mr Richard Graham
Dr Charles Edward Graham
Mr Nicholas Grahame
Mr Keith Grant