FRMetS Register

To become a Fellow, applicants must demonstrate that they meet both the following requirements:

Requirement 1. Has a formal academic qualification involving meteorology, or a vocational qualification in meteorology, or long involvement in a variety of meteorological activities at a professional level or as an amateur enthusiast.
Requirement 2. Makes substantial contributions to promoting meteorology as a science, profession or interest.

Applicants are required to provide two referees, at least one of whom must be a fellow of RMetS.

Full details of how to apply are given on our Fellowship Scheme page.

All those elected may use the post-nominals FRMetS as a statement of their standing in meteorology.


Please contact us if you would like to be removed from this list.

Title Forenames Surname
Mr William Roger Corbett
Mr John Corner
Dr Richard Cornes
Mr Stan Cornford
Prof Rosalind Jane Cornforth
Mr Graeme Cornwallis
Dr Peter David Cotton
Miss Sarah Coulstock
Mr Paul Coverdale
Mr Adrian Charles Cowin
retired richard Anthony Cox
Mr Peter John Cox
Ms Helen Crabbe
Prof George Craig
Mr Steven Crampton
Dr Andrew Crane
Mr Michael David Cranston
Mr James Crawley
Mr Bernard Crease
Mr Robert Vaughan Creber
Ms aisling Creevey
Dr Jonathan Crosier
Dr John Crowther
Mr David Croxall
Dr Michael Cullen
Mr Simon Culling
Prof James Curran
Mr Ian Currie
Dr Helen Frances Dacre
Mr Murray Dale
Dr Geoffrey John Caedmon Darch
Mr Bernard Darvill
Dr Sushil Kumar Dash
Mr Stephen Davenport
Dr Michael Davey
Prof Huw Davies
Mr Paul Davies
Mr Steven Davies
Dr Terence Davies
Mr John Davies
Dr David Stewart (Stewart) Davies
Mr Ian Davy
Mr Geoffrey Dawkings
Mr Mark Dawson
Dr Jonathan Day
Mr Cyril De Jonckheere
Mr Michael Dean
Mr Ian Deavin
Mr Greg Degeyter
Mr Jeremy DeMoss