Poster Presentations

Explore pioneering research projects at the RMetS Annual Weather and Climate Conference.

*Please note poster numbers are not finalised and maybe subject to change.


Radar Characteristics of Wind Phenomena Associated with Deep Moist Convection

Abstract: Hazardous wind phenomena associated with severe thunderstorms are a danger not only to nature but also to society (for... read more.


MASEC: Case study and use-cases of a mobile C-band weather radar

Abstract: In 2023, Meteopress developed the mobile C-band polarimetric meteorological radar, MASEC. This radar, working on solid-state technology, stands out... read more.


Polarimetric Radar Observations of a Tornadic Supercell in Jersey, Channel Islands, on 1 – 2 November 2023

Abstract: At approximately midnight on 2 November 2023, a strong tornado affected parts of Jersey in the Channel Islands. The... read more.


A New Generation in Precipitation Measurements

Abstract: Precipitation measurements provide historic and near real-time data for Met Services and ground truth references for modelling and forecasting.... read more.


Rainfall Project – Extending the Climatological Rainfall Observations Series for the UK Using Rainfall Rescue Data

Abstract: The Met Office National Meteorological Archive contains a wealth of historic rainfall observation data in journals and weather logs,... read more.


A Review of the Quality and Characteristics of Vehicle-Based Temperature Observations from the Met Office Fleet of Field Service Vehicles

Abstract: The Met Office’s fleet of field service vehicles are fitted with telematics systems, that provide real-time location data and... read more.


Rothamsted Long-Term Weather (RLTW) and its Application to Past and Future Agricultural Research

Abstract: Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, has one of the longest continuous sets of daily meteorological recordings in the UK. Rain and... read more.


Utility of Thermal Remote Sensing for Evaluation of a High-Resolution Weather Model in a City

Abstract: The use of satellite data is explored to evaluate high-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, the latter of which... read more.


Assessment of Stratospheric Dropsonde Data through NWP Model Comparisons

Abstract: Recent advances have allowed for the development and deployment of lightweight, stratospherically launched micro-dropsondes; designed for release from navigable... read more.


Seeing Extreme Winds: Video innovation for precise extreme wind assessment

Abstract: This study addresses the critical need for precise, localized wind velocity measurement, particularly in the insurance industry, where understanding... read more.


Characterizing Turbulence and Transport Processes in Thermally-Driven Slope Winds

Abstract: The atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) in mountainous regions is characterised by a variety of airflows, originating from complex landform... read more.


UV Climatology and Dynamics in Tropical Atmospheres using NASA POWER Reanalysis Products over Ghana

Abstract: Research into surface solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation has gained importance due to its link with climate change and epidemiology.... read more.


Observational analysis of a winter Shamal dust storm over the Middle East

Abstract: Dust storm formation in arid areas is a major global environmental problem as dust impacts regions close to the... read more.


The Hectometric Modelling Challenge: Gaps in the current state of the art and ways forward towards the implementation of urban-scale weather and climate models

Abstract: Current state of the art NWP and regional climate models run at km scale or “convection permitting” resolutions. For... read more.


Nature vs Nurture: Understanding the Role of the Driving Ensemble on Under-Dispersive Convective-Scale Precipitation Forecasts

Abstract: Convective-scale ensembles are routinely used in operational centres around the world to produce probabilistic precipitation forecasts, but the added... read more.


An Urban-Scale Ensemble for WesCon

Abstract: The Wessex Convection Experiment (WesCon) was a UK field campaign conducted during summer 2023 concentrating on understanding dynamical aspects... read more.


Stratification of the Vertical Spread-Skill Relation by Radiosonde Drift in a Convective-Scale Ensemble

Abstract: Ensemble forecasting systems provide useful insight into the uncertainty in the prediction of the atmosphere. However, most analysis considers... read more.


CSET – Development of a New Convective- and Turbulent Scale Evaluation Tool at the Met Office

Abstract: A robust approach to model evaluation is essential in supporting the efficient and useful delivery of continuous NWP development... read more.


Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations: Training data for machine learning and parametrization development

Abstract: A series of 1.5 km simulations, covering a wide range of synoptic types and geographical locations, has been performed.... read more.


Using Machine Learning Methods to Bias Correct Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts

Abstract: In recent decades forecasts of Tropical Cyclone (TC) tracks have improved significantly. This has enabled earlier warnings, allowing local... read more.


The WTW Research Network and Nearly Two Decades of Creative Private-Public Partnerships on the Science of Weather and Climate Risks

Abstract: Every year, hailstorms, hurricanes, wildfires, and other hazards — the list is long — wreak havoc on communities, industry,... read more.


Climate Services for Finance, Lessons Learned and Feedback from the Private Sector

Abstract: The financial and real estate sectors are increasingly interested in understanding their risk to the impacts of climate change.... read more.


Power System Resiliency: Weather patterns linked to transmission and distribution outages

Abstract: Weather hazards are the leading cause of power outages in the U.S. and a major contributor in Europe. Transmission... read more.


Global Stilling: The importance of high-resolution wind speed data

Abstract: Global stilling is the worldwide observed reduction of wind speeds due to climate change. This is highly important as... read more.


Modelling extreme European windstorm return levels

Abstract: Windstorms are the most damaging natural hazard across western Europe. Risk modellers are limited by the observational data record... read more.


A Source of Clear-Air Turbulence? Tracking Gravity Wave Formation in Inertially Unstable Regions

Abstract: We present results from several case studies exhibiting this behaviour, identifying the sources of the gravity waves observed in... read more.


Weather Patterns and Antecedent Conditions Driving Extreme Floods in UK Benchmark Catchments

Abstract: Extreme fluvial floods pose severe socioeconomic and environmental risks across the UK. This paper addresses the critical need to... read more.


PYRAMID: A Platform for dynamic, hyper-resolution, near-real time flood risk assessment integrating repurposed and novel data sources

Abstract: It is essential that we work towards better preparation for flooding, as the impacts and risks associated increase with... read more.


Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling in Response to Bluetongue Outbreaks on the Near Continent

Abstract: Bluetongue is an infectious, non-contagious, vector-borne disease of ruminants, particularly sheep and cattle, caused by the bluetongue virus (BTV).... read more.


Identifying Probabilistic Weather Regimes Targeted to a Local-Scale Impact Variable

Abstract: Identifying large-scale atmospheric patterns that modulate extremes in local-scale variables such as precipitation has the potential to improve long-term... read more.


Hindcast-Based Estimates of Recent Climate Trends

Abstract: In initialised seasonal and decadal prediction systems, retrospective forecasts (“hindcasts”) are routinely used to assess model skill on seasonal... read more.


Investigating the Drivers of Dry Season Rainfall over Eastern Africa

Abstract: Rainfall events during the January-February dry season over Eastern Africa have significant impact upon society, particularly when they lead... read more.


Monitoring and prediction of the Indian Ocean Dipole

Abstract: The National Meteorological and Hydrological Centers use diagnostic products to operationally monitor the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and issue... read more.


Mid-Latitude Controls on Monsoon Onset and Progression (the MiLCMOP project)

Abstract: The monsoon onset typically starts in southern India by 1 June, taking around 6 weeks to cover the country.... read more.


Exploring the Links between Mid-Latitude Large-Scale circulation and Indian Summer Monsoon Onset and Progression

Abstract: The onset and progression of Indian summer monsoon exhibit substantial year-to-year variability, affecting the associated precipitation and potentially leading... read more.


Mechanisms Driving the Diurnal Cycle of Orographic Precipitation and Monsoon Rainfall Modes over the West Coast of India

Abstract: The Indian monsoon rainfall exhibits large spatial variability associated with orography and surface temperature gradients. The Western Ghats (WG)... read more.


Forecasting Tropical High-Impact Rainfall Events Using a Hybrid Statistical Dynamical Technique Based on Equatorial Waves

Abstract: Equatorially trapped waves, such as Kelvin Waves, Equatorial Rossby Waves and Westward-moving Mixed Rossby-Gravity (WMRG) Waves, play a major... read more.


Relationships Between Clouds, Circulation, and Radiation in Long-Channel Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations

Abstract: Idealised radiative equilibrium simulations have proved an invaluable tool for studying tropical convection. Using a long-channel configuration (i.e. a... read more.


Towards a New SST Dataset - Capturing Historic El Nino Events

Abstract: Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is an essential climate variable (ECV). Gridded SST datasets are used in many applications including... read more.


Crucial Role of Mixed-Layer in Tropical Atlantic Multidecadal Variability

Abstract: Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) has been associated with climate variations in many regions worldwide. However, the mechanisms driving the... read more.


Effects of the Po River on Hydrodynamics and Inter-basin Transport in the Adriatic Sea

Abstract: The Po River contributes one-third of the total fresh water into the Adriatic Sea. Fluctuations in the Po's discharge... read more.


Validation of operational wave model WAVEWATCH III against Satellite Altimetry Data over South West Indian Ocean

Abstract: This study represents an attempt to validate WAVEWATCH III® over the coast East African countries. WAVEWATCH III® (Tolman 1997,... read more.


The CANARI Science Programme and HadGEM3 Large Ensemble

Abstract: The UK national science programme CANARI (Climate change in the Arctic-North Atlantic Region and Impacts on the UK) aims... read more.


Frameworks for Considering Extreme Weather Risks in Future Climates Given Major Uncertainties

Abstract: How can we best apply our science to predicting risks of extreme behaviour in a system as complex as... read more.


Towards a storyline approach for representing uncertainty in climate change flood losses: A case study for Europe.

Abstract: Climate change will increase the frequency and intensity of many extreme weather events at the global scale. This has... read more.


Temperature Scaling of Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Precipitation in the UK

Abstract: Interannual to multi-decadal variability in large-scale dynamics such as atmospheric and oceanic circulation results in significant noise and temporary... read more.


Impact of Internal Climate Variability on Future Changes in Southern African Precipitation

Abstract: Variations in southern African precipitation have strong effects on local communities, increasing climate-related risks, increasing the severity and intensity... read more.


Emerging Extreme Climate-Related Stresses Over Croplands and Wheat-Harvested Areas in the Southern Mediterranean Region During the 21st Century

Abstract: The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events have noticeably risen in recent decades across the globe, especially over... read more.


Application of Machine Learning to Forecast Agricultural Drought Impacts for Large Scale Sub-Seasonal Drought Monitoring in Brazil

Abstract: Drought events have increased in frequency and severity over recent years and can result in significant economic losses, as... read more.


Risks of Carbon Loss from the Congo Peatlands due to Climate and Land Use Change

Abstract: The Cuvette Centrale swamp forest has the most extensive peatland complex in the tropics, at least 20,000 years old... read more.


Examining Malaria Case Rates in the Context of Climate in Ghana

Abstract: Ghana accounts for 2.2% of recorded global malaria cases and demonstrates particularly interesting interannual variability in case numbers over... read more.


The Historical Drivers in the Human Health Burden from Exposure to Surface Ozone

Abstract: Tropospheric ozone is the third most important greenhouse gas within the atmosphere and the growth in its concentrations over... read more.


The North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Response to 20th Century Anthropogenic Aerosols Emissions.

Abstract: Aerosols play a significant role in the Earth's radiation budget and the emissions of that fraction originating from human... read more.


Worse Case Scenarios of the July 2021 Western European Rainfall 

Abstract: In July 2021 a cut-off low-pressure system brought extreme precipitation to Western Europe. Record daily rainfall totals led to... read more.