MASEC: Case study and use-cases of a mobile C-band weather radar


From Filip Najman (he/him), Meteorologist, Meteopress

Abstract: In 2023, Meteopress developed the mobile C-band polarimetric meteorological radar, MASEC. This radar, working on solid-state technology, stands out for its quick operational readiness, capable of being operational in just under 10 minutes. The entire radar can be easily transported to the desired location using a truck. Another feature is its low energy consumption (around 750 W), making it suitable for areas without electrical grids, powered by batteries or solar panels. Radar was tested in northeastern Czechia in June - August 2023 and in Graz, Austria in September 2023. During the testing period, the radar recorded multiple severe and non-severe events, which will be presented in the form of polarimetric products and a products derived from them.

Biography: I am 24 years old meteorologist working in Meteopress since 2019 with specialization in radar meteorology and severe weather warnings. I come from NW Czechia. I studied at Gymnasium from 2015 to 2018 and physics at Charles University from 2018 - 2020, which I did not finish. Meteorology has been my passion since I was a child and I learned most of it from self learning, attending seminars or presentations and via practice in Meteopress.