Radar Characteristics of Wind Phenomena Associated with Deep Moist Convection


From Miloslav Stanek (he/him), Radar meteorologist, Meteopress/Charles University

Abstract: Hazardous wind phenomena associated with severe thunderstorms are a danger not only to nature but also to society (for example air traffic). This poster will deal with the characteristics of dangerous wind phenomena on different scales using the algorithms for the estimation of horizontal wind shear from Doppler radial velocity and detecting these phenomena (such as microbursts, mesocyclones, and gust fronts) from Meteopress weather radar polarimetric data.

Biography: I am a 24-year-old radar meteorologist working at Meteopress since 2021 and a student of physical geography and geoecology at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague. I focus on severe wind phenomena such as tornadoes, downbursts, and derechos and their conditions of formation using proximity soundings, manifestations using radar characteristics, and their impacts. Apart from research on these phenomena, I am interested in the analysis of radar data, and I help my colleagues develop specific meteorological algorithms and software useful for operational meteorology, such as issuing warnings.