A New Generation in Precipitation Measurements


From Mark Dutton (he/him), PhD Student/Managing Director, Newcastle University/EML

Abstract: Precipitation measurements provide historic and near real-time data for Met Services and ground truth references for modelling and forecasting.  Current methods suffer from well-known under-catch problems1.  These are caused by wind effect2 on the gauge, out-splash, evaporation, and internal tipping bucket (‘counting’) errors.  Thereby causing water-balance errors for Hydrology scientists.  Good gauge design and correct siting can minimise these errors but not eliminate them.

Over 10 years of research, into the best aerodynamic shape for a precipitation gauge, was carried out to minimize out-splash and maximize catch3.  Comparison field work1 and Computational Fluid Dynamic4 (CFD) research was undertaken between standard straight-sided, ‘chimney’ shaped, aerodynamic shaped and pit-installed (out of the wind) gauges.  This research demonstrated that it may be possible to quantify under-catch using gauge rim-based wind data, drop-size and drop-type information.  Field comparison between the “new instrument” and pit gauge will be needed.  Once quantified at source, it can then be used to accurately correct live data.

This new instrument uses ultrasonic wind sensors and Doppler-Shift measuring techniques to obtain wind versus rainfall catch data.  Also using optical and/or impact sensing techniques we can measure the individual drop size and count the drops involved in a rain event.  By adding weighing technology to the tipping bucket design and improving calibration methods, we can improve resolution and detect evaporation losses.  Also power efficient and controlled heating to allow the inclusion of solid precipitation measurements.  Then finally use machine learning (ML) techniques to correct the errors.

Therefore, the aim of this project is to design a simple to use intelligent instrument to minimise and possibly eliminate under-catch measurement errors balancing out the water budget.  Allow installation of the instruments at ground and raised levels without increase in errors caused predominately by the wind.  Create near real-time and historic field precipitation data, both corrected and non-corrected to be use by Met Services and Hydrology modelling scientists.


Sevruk, B. Methods of correction for systematic error in point precipitation measurement for operational use, World Meteorological Organization - Operational Hydrology, Report No. 21, 1982.

Pollock, M. D., et al. Quantifying and mitigating wind induced undercatch in rainfall measurements, Water Resources Research, 54, 2018.

Strangeways, Ian. Improving precipitation measurement. International Journal of Climatology. 24. 1443 - 1460. 10.1002/joc.1075, 2004.

Colli, M., et al.  A Computational Fluid-Dynamics Assessment of the Improved Performance of Aerodynamic Rain Gauges. Water Resources Research. 54. 10.1002/2017WR020549, 2018.

Biography: I have been involved in meteorology at a professional business level for over 25 years.  I joined Environmental Measurements Ltd (EML) in 1996 after studying electronics at University (BSc/MSc).  I have designed data logging equipment, for use on weather and rain monitoring stations. Installed, maintained, and designed a vast array of hydro-meteorological systems.  I regularly work as a consultant to industry and academia advising how to accurately measure weather and rainfall. In the last 15 years I have become increasingly involved in precipitation instrument development and academic research. I am currently also a part-time PhD student at Newcastle University.