Register of Registered Meteorologists

Registered Meteorologists are expected to provide a high-quality service based on their experience and expertise. The service is often provided to those not specialists in the subject. Registered Meteorologists may use the post-nominal RMet in their professional activities.

NOTE: The Society does not provide any guarantee of the quality of individual work by registered meteorologists. Those who provide professional services on their own behalf to third parties are responsible for their own work and professional indemnity cover.

Title Forenames Surname Accreditation date Public profile
Mr Ravi Kotecha
Mrs Eleanor Lashford
Mr Christopher Robert Edward Lattimore
Ms Adrienne Le Maistre
Mrs Kathleen LePere
Mr Christopher David Lock
Mr Richard Maxey
Mr Alister McHardy
Mr Anthony Merendino
Mrs Helen Morrison
Mr Thomas Mould
Mr Christopher Munro
Mrs Catherine Louise Murphy
Mr Martin Nduta
Mr Luke Norris
Mr Matthew Nuss
Dr Claudio Ortega
Mr Daniel Page
Mr Robert Charles Parish
Mr Christopher Parsloe
Mr Philip Pascarelli
Ms Simone Marie Phillips
Mr Ian Albert Pickering
Miss Gemma Plumb
Mr Robert Michael Buchanan Plummer
Hon Agatha Plunkett
Miss Rebecca Reilly
Mr Stephen David Roberts
Mr Nicholas Roe
Miss Helen Rossington
Mr Steve Sanders
Mr Mark Wesley Seltzer
Miss Alexandra Sherred
Mr Christopher Smith
Mr David Charles Edward Snook
Miss Rebecca Spalton
Mr Richard Phillip Stone
Mr Martyn Sunter
Mr Andrew Ian Taylor
Mrs Gill Taylor-Walker
Mr Andrew Stuart Thompson
Mr Connor Tully
Lt Cdr Richard Watsham
Miss Melyssa Frances Jane Wright