Register of Chartered Meteorologists

Chartered Meteorologists are expected to provide a high-quality service based on their experience and expertise. The service is often provided to those not specialists in the subject. Chartered Meteorologists may use the post-nominal CMet in their professional activities.

NOTE: The Society does not provide any guarantee of the quality of individual work by accredited meteorologists. Those who provide professional services on their own behalf to third parties are responsible for their own work and professional indemnity cover.


Title Forenames Surname Accreditation date Public profile
Mr Antonio Marino
Mr Ewen McCallum
Mr Jonathan Millard
Lynsey Claire Norwood-Brown
Ms Anne-Marie Osborne
Mr Andy Page
Ms Laura Paterson
Miss Julia Perez
Mr Gareth Powell
Dr Alexander Priestley
Mr James Christopher Rainbow
Mr Fraser Ralston
Mrs Jessica Louise Renz
Mrs Helen Roberts
Dr Jennifer Mary Anne Rourke
Mr James Shapland
Mr Andrew Mark Sibley
Dr Dafni Sifnioti
Mr Nicholas Silkstone
Mr Michael David Silverstone view
Ms Abby Smith
Mr Craig Thomas Snell
Miss Jodie Stock
Mr Dan Suri
Mr Gareth John Tame
Mr Keith Thomson
Mr Adam Thornhill
Mrs Penny Tranter
Mrs Jessica Kathleen Sweeney van Kinderen
Mr Peter Varley
Mr Robert Varley
Mrs Rebecca Venton
Dr Emily Wallace
Dr James Warner
Mrs Rachael West
Mr Steven Willington
Mr Matthew Winter
Mr Tony Wisson
Mr Gregory Wolverson
Mr Adrian Wynn
Mr Martin Victor Young