Studying the influence of projected Arctic sea-ice loss under 2°C global warming with very large-ensemble climate simulations

Oral Presentation

Arctic sea-ice loss and amplified Arctic warming have been one striking signature of climate change, which have important impacts on climate variability in the Arctic and mid-low latitudes. Climate modeling including the Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project (PAMIP) has been a powerful tool for investigating the effects of Arctic sea-ice loss in a changing climate. However, existing climate model simulations including individual climate models from the multi-model/ensemble PAMIP project have relatively small ensemble sizes that may not allow a robust separation of forced response, particularly the response of extremes, to Arctic sea-ice loss from internal variability. Therefore, our confidence in the response to projected Arctic sea-ice loss in climate change is reduced.

To address the challenge, we have performed very large (~2000 members) initial-condition ensemble climate simulations, using both low (~90 km) and high (~60 km) resolutions, with prescribed boundary conditions (i.e., sea surface temperature and sea-ice concentration) taken from the PAMIP project, to advance understanding of mean climate and extreme weather responses to projected Arctic sea-ice loss under 2°C global warming above preindustrial levels. We have run these simulations with the Met Office Hadley Centre global atmospheric model Version 4 on the University of Oxford’s innovative distributed computing project ( These simulations better sample internal atmospheric variability and extremes for each model compared to those from the PAMIP, and also allow studying the resolution-dependence of the response to projected Arctic sea-ice using a larger ensemble.

Analysis of these simulations suggests that the mean climate response is mostly consistent with that from the PAMIP multi-model ensemble, including tropospheric warming, reduced midlatitude westerlies and storm track activity, an equatorward shift of the eddy-driven jet and increased mid-to-high latitude blocking. The response of temperature and precipitation extremes largely follows the seasonal-mean response. However, East Asia is a notable exception in showing an increase in severe cold temperature extremes in response to the projected Arctic sea-ice loss.

Further analysis by using a novel sub-sampling method to isolate dynamic effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Siberian High has provided more insights into the response to projected Arctic sea-ice loss. The results are important for discussions on constraining the response and attributing inter-model difference in multi-model ensembles like in the PAMIP
