Stacked open journals

New deal for researchers - open access to Society journals at no direct cost

31 March 2020

A new agreement between our publisher Wiley and Jisc (the UK’s research and education not-for-profit that negotiates licences and digital content agreements on behalf of UK universities) means that if you’re a UK-based researcher at a participating institution you are now able to publish open access in any RMetS journal at no direct cost to you.

The four-year agreement aims to support and accelerate open access publishing in the UK, covering 138 Jisc member institutions.

If you are based at a participating institution, you can now also browse and read the entire Wiley portfolio of journals available at Wiley Online Library.

To find out more and see if you are eligible to have your publishing fees covered, go to

Similar agreements covering open access publishing fees for researchers are also in place Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Norway, Hungary, Sweden, Finland and USA. To find out if you are eligible click here.