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Meteorological Masterclass series now available online

16 October 2020

Many thanks to everyone who joined us for our Meteorological Masterclass Series - Winter Storms in European Weather and Climate. We welcomed 542 delegates throughout the series, which is a partnership between the Royal Meteorological Society and the University of Reading to provide additional training and continuing professional development for professionals who work in Meteorology and Climate Science.

The final session for this year took place on Wednesday (14 October) - Subseasonal Predictions for European Winter. The speaker was Dr Rob Lee, a Research Scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and University of Reading. He presented on winter storms being one of the main forecasting challenges for the UK and Europe, with many like those over the last winter season leading to significant loss of life and property.

Weather prediction on the subseasonal timescale typically covers the extended range (10+ days) up to around 30 days, and sometimes beyond. This masterclass covered the key aspects related to subseasonal predictions of winter weather for the European region, including sources of predictability, models and forecasting, and applications of these forecasts. The interaction of subseasonal weather with, and its impact on, longer timescales was also discussed. Aspects relating to subseasonal forecast applications touched on the energy, health, transportation, agriculture and water sectors, as well as extreme weather.

For anyone who was not able to join us, or who may want to watch back, you can now view Rob’s presentation below or on our YouTube channel here. We have had lots of great feedback already and we will be accepting questions about the presentation via comms@rmets.org until Thursday 22 October.

The video lasts approx. 1 hour 28mins

To view the full masterclass series – you can view the playlist via YouTube here.

Further events, in-person and online, are anticipated for 2021 when current restrictions may be lifted, we will keep the website and our members updated.