A composite image of all 8 journal titles

Members now have full online access to entire RMetS journals portfolio

8 December 2020

As if you needed another reason to renew your membership this month, aside from all the great regular benefits, members can now access the full RMetS journals portfolio, online, for FREE!

Members are now able to access the Quarterly Journal - acknowledged as one of the world’s leading meteorological publications, and International Journal of Climatology, which aims to span the well-established, but rapidly growing field of climatology, through the publication of research papers, short communications and major reviews of progress and reports in the area of climate science. These can be accessed online via the Society’s website in the same way you would view Weather or WIREs Climate Change.

This also allows members who are either current or yet to renew, to have full access to the back issues too.

The other four titles (Geoscience Data Journal, Atmospheric Science Letters, Meteorological Applications and Climate Resilience and Sustainability) are all open access. Meaning that members will now be able to view the full portfolio online at any time.

For more details on renewing your membership click here.