2 piggy banks with a small tree being planted in them

Grants and funding available to Members

13 October 2020

Grants and funding are not only ways of supporting your career, but can also signify success as a valuable contribution to the advancement of science.

Successful applications can support the creation and presentation of your work, build key relationships with a lasting impact and providing a building block for your future career.

We wanted to remind of you two funds we have available for all Members:

  • The Legacies fund is made up of small monetary grants made to Members (usually younger scientists) to help finance expeditions, carry out research or attend meteorological conferences.
  • The Carers fund is a grant of up to £250 to help you attend meteorologically-related events or conferences that you may not otherwise be able to attend because you care for someone else.

Full details of both these funds can be found on our website here.