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Gain a professional qualification in meteorology

Sharon Stephens
15 April 2020

If you are thinking about starting the journey towards gaining your professional qualifications in meteorology during these unprecedented times, then we are here to support you.

Our professional accreditation schemes enable you to demonstrate your accomplishments and commitment to your own professional development and are recognised internationally.

Professional accreditation brings many benefits, including the right to use CMet and RMet as a post nominal designation.

We have two professional accreditation schemes:

Chartered Meteorologist (CMet), the highest level of professional recognition in meteorology available in the UK no matter what your discipline or sector.

Registered Meteorologist (RMet) is awarded for members pursuing a career in meteorology or working in a role supporting meteorological services.

Our extensive guidance and information about how to apply can be found on our professional development web page or you can email us or call on 0118 956 8500 if you have any questions.