Front cover of 1st issue of Weather - shows a cloud and plane across

Diamond Jubilee for 'Weather'

14 May 2021


In May 1946, Gordon Manley (then President of the Royal Meteorological Society) and the Society's Council decided there should be a 'new publication in the form of a popular monthly magazine'. And thus, Weather was born, 75 years ago this month!

As part of a special edition of Weather this month, we asked our long-standing members for their memories of the journal, weather in general and the Society. The memories submitted include those of Martin Poulter. His grandfather Robert Martin Poulter OBE, helped to create Weather. Brian Giles, John N Rayner and Richard Pettifer all recall their snow memories, whilst David Brian Beckett Powell, Robin McIlveen and Eric C Barrett remember some more dramatic and stormy weather. They are all worth a read and we thank everyone who contributed to this edition.

Other articles this month feature topics relating to the history of meteorology. Prof. Anne LawrenceMathers of the University of Reading reminds us of the surprising and almost uncanny medieval origin of the modern weather forecast, whilst Carla Mateus describes the search for historical meteorological observations in Ireland. Martin Young also regales us with stories aplenty as he reflects upon over 40 years of work in the Met Office.

Plus, we have an extra special ‘Weather in My Life’ interview with Maureen Sweeney (age 98), whose meteorological observations in June 1944 proved to be of paramount importance in the planning for the DDay landings.

In his foreword in the first issue, Gordon Manley expressed the hope that Weather would become ‘a recreation for the mind’. The Society and the Editors hope and aspire that this continues to be the case well into the future – Happy Birthday Weather!

To recognise this significant anniversary, we have made the May issue of Weather freely available for all to enjoy, so please share with colleagues, friends and family.

75th Anniversary issue of Weather

*Members can access the 1946 1st edition of Weather on this link.