Editorial Change

Change in Editor-in-Chief for Quarterly Journal

Journal Editor change

30 March 2019

After 5 years as Editor-in-Chief for the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Lesley Gray has now handed over her responsibilities to Andrew Ross and John Methven.

Lesley has made a significant contribution to the journal during her term in office, ensuring strong growth in readership and submissions to the journal, both of which have further enhanced the reputation of the journal internationally, as well as overseeing the delivery of a number of well-read special issues. The Society would like to thank Lesley for her hard work and commitment to the journal.

The Society would also like to welcome Andrew and John to the team.

Andrew Ross is an Associate Professor in Dynamic Meteorology at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds.

His research interests are in boundary layer and mesoscale meteorology, particularly interactions between the atmosphere and orography (hills and mountains). Particular interests include boundary layer flows over hills, boundary layer - forest canopy interactions, convection over orography, cold air pooling and fog formation in valleys, gravity currents and cold pools and tropical cyclones.

Andrew has been an Associate Editor for the Journal for 4 years. He is also on the NERC Peer Review College and Co-Director of the EPSRC CDT in Fluid Dynamics at Leeds.

John Methven is Professor of Atmospheric Dynamics and Director of the SCENARIO NERC Doctoral Training Partnership at the University of Reading.

His research interests cover two distinct areas which are the dynamics of weather systems with emphasis on the role of Rossby waves; and airborne transport of atmospheric constituents, such as water vapour and pollution, with emphasis on chemical transformation during inter-continental transport and its effects on the slowly varying background state of the atmosphere.