A mountain range with a lake

Call for papers – Met Apps virtual special issue

Atmospheric Processes and Applications in Urban, Coastal, and Mountainous Terrain

10 November 2020

Have you been studying or reviewing atmospheric processes and applications focused on urban, coastal or mountainous terrain? If so, the Editors of Meteorological Applications (Met Apps) would love to hear from you for a special issue that will be published as a virtual edition next year.

The special issue titled ‘Atmospheric Processes and Applications in Urban, Coastal, and Mountainous Terrain’ will be guest edited by Dr. Lorenzo Giovannini, University of Trento and Dr. Meinolf Kossmann, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany.

Mountain and coastal regions cover a significant part of the Earth’s land surface. In these areas, the population is becoming increasingly concentrated in rapidly expanding urban areas. Today, roughly 30% of the world’s mountain population also live in cities and some of the most populous urban areas worldwide are located in coastal regions. Given that more people are living in areas deemed complex terrain, understanding the meteorology and climate of these regions is increasingly important. 

It is well known that meteorological processes induced by complex terrain, both with respect to orography and land cover, show more spatiotemporal variations than those over flat and homogeneous regions. The atmosphere responds to surface heterogeneities at a range of different scales, from synoptic forcing and mesoscale circulations to the micro scale of turbulent fluctuations. An improved process understanding and characterisation of interactions across these scales are needed to be able to better quantify the impacts of climate change on the population living in complex terrain.

The applicability of numerical simulation models, downscaling methods and decision-making tools in the areas of air quality, heat exposure, building engineering, aviation and surface transport hazards, storm water management, wind energy, agriculture, urban planning, and carbon budget assessment strongly depend on the realistic representation of the effects of complex terrain on atmospheric processes. Some examples of these atmospheric processes include surface energy exchanges, airflow and turbulence, thermal and solar radiation, clouds, and precipitation. Advances in environmental monitoring and progress in high-resolution modelling of the atmosphere over complex terrain, including Large Eddy Simulation (LES), now offer promising ways to solve many challenges in the field.

This is a great opportunity to get your work noticed with papers welcome on all aspects of atmospheric processes and applications over urban, coastal and mountainous terrain, including, but not restricted to:

  • Weather forecasting and verification
  • Weather hazards and warning systems
  • Experimental measurements and data processing
  • Downscaling of climate projections
  • Mitigation and adaptation to climate change
  • Application in related fields, e.g., air pollution, agriculture, hydrology, renewable energy, urban planning.

Please submit manuscripts to: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/metapps

The deadline for papers is 31 May 2021

Accepted manuscripts deadline is 31 October 2021.

Click here to check to see if your open access fees are already covered through the many publishing agreements that now exist between institutions and funders with Wiley. Members of the Society also receive a 20% discount on any open access fees if they are the corresponding author.

Meteorological Applications is an open access journal of interest to applied meteorologists, forecasters and users of meteorological services, publishing papers on all aspects of meteorological science including:

  • Applications of meteorological, climatological, analytical and forecasting data, and their socio-economic benefits;
  • Forecasting, warning and service delivery techniques and methods;
  • Weather hazards, their analysis and prediction;
  • Performance, verification and value of numerical models and forecasting services;
  • Practical applications of ocean and climate models