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Call for papers – Geoscience Data Journal virtual special issue

High resolution integrated drought index dataset

3 February 2021

The Editors of Geoscience Data Journal would love to hear from you for a special issue that will be published as a virtual edition next year. They are seeking papers on the development of high-resolution products of the integrated drought indices and application of integrated drought indices to assess risk.

The special issue titled ‘High resolution integrated drought index dataset’ will be guest edited by Prof Shengzhi Huang and Dr Wei Fang, Xi'an University of Technology, Prof Hongbo Zhang, Chang'an University and Prof Zhenxia Mu, Xinjiang Agricultural University.

Drought is a recurrent phenomenon adversely affecting ecosystems and socioeconomic systems worldwide. Droughts can be broadly grouped into five categories, namely meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, socioeconomic and ecological droughts.

Many commonly used drought indices are exclusively designed for a specific drought type, which is incapable of capturing the multifaceted nature of droughts. Therefore, there is a clear need to develop the novel index that integrates multiple water sources associated with different counterparts of the water cycles.

During the very recent decade, the development of the integrated drought index has been a hot topic amongst the meteorological and hydrological communities in a climate changing context.

This is a great opportunity to get your work noticed with papers welcome on all aspects of the topic, including but not limited to:

  • The development of high-resolution products of the integrated drought indices combining in-situ observations and satellite data
  • The development of high-resolution products of the integrated drought indices combining multiple drought-related variables
  • The development of high-resolution products of the integrated drought indices during the past decades or in the future
  • The development of high-resolution products of the integrated drought indices combining multiple various drought types
  • The application of integrated drought indices to assessing drought vulnerability, risk and its diverse impacts

Please submit manuscripts to: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/geosciencedata


Key deadlines for special issue:

Submission deadline: 31 October 2021

Accepted manuscripts deadline: 31 March 2022

Publication date: 31 May 2022

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Geoscience Data Journal provides an Open Access platform where scientific data can be formally published, in a way that includes scientific peer-review. The dataset creator attains full credit for their efforts, while also improving the scientific record, providing version control for the community and allowing major datasets to be fully described, cited and discovered.