Clouds as the sun breaks through

Atmospheric Science Conference 2021 – Final Call for Papers

Keynote speakers are announced

16 April 2021

There is just one week left to submit papers for this year's Atmospheric Science Conference (ASC), which will be taking place as a series of virtual events on 22 June, 6 July and 21 September, with the overarching theme  'Atmospheric Science for Solutions'.

The virtual ASC2021 will combine keynote speakers with plenary presentations, parallel oral sessions (with Q&A), and short talks.

The first two events will include plenary sessions on net-zero emissions, climate adaptation and resilience, and disaster risk reduction. The third event will look to the future and the opportunities and challenges that will impact atmospheric science moving forward.

Abstracts are welcomed across the atmospheric science community, including researchers, operational, end-users and policymakers. And, from all areas including weather, climate, chemistry and air quality, observations, theory, land surface and ocean interactions.

Replacing the traditional poster sessions will be multiple small parallel Zoom sessions on each day. The format will consist of 10-minute talks with a limited number of slides. Each session will include 5-6 talks.

The Conference will be an excellent opportunity to show people what you are working on, as well as keeping up to date with activities from across the whole community.

Stand-alone abstracts will be grouped and assigned to an appropriate session theme. Suggestions for session themes are also warmly received; this could be especially useful if you are part of a collaborative project or science community, so you can use it to catch up with each other at the same time as showcasing your work. (Please mention your proposed session theme in your abstract).

The deadline to submit an abstract is Friday, 23 April.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

22 June (Net Zero)

  • Keith P Shine, Regius Professor of Meteorology and Climate Science, University of Reading

  • Sarah Honour, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

  • Prof Myles R. Allen, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford


6 July (Adaptation and Resilience)

  • Dr Tom Philp, Chief Executive Officer, Maximum Information

  • Dr Liz Stephens, Associate Professor, Geography & Environmental Science, University of Reading

  • Dr Erin Coughlan de Perez, Feinstein International Center, Tufts University

  • Dr Gary Fuller, Imperial College London


21 September (Atmospheric Science in the 2020s)

  • Prof Ted Shepherd FRS, Grantham Professor of Climate Science, University of Reading

  • Dr Christine Johnson, Dynamics Research Scientist, Met Office

  • Simon Lee, PhD student, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading

  • Dr Barbara Brooks, Joint Head, Atmospheric Measurement and Observation Facility (AMOF), National Centre for Atmospheric Science

  • Peter Bauer – Deputy Director of Research/Lead Scientist, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)

  • Dr Antje Inness – Senior scientist, European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF)


For more information, guidance on abstract submissions and a list of keywords, please visit


Full programme details will be announced in the coming weeks.


The Atmospheric Science Conference is proudly hosted by the National Centre for Atmospheric Science and the Royal Meteorological Society, two of the UK's most influential organisations committed to advancing atmospheric science.