New Member Offer: Try RMetS membership for the remainder of 2024

Try RMetS membership for the remainder of 2024 and: 

Stay up to date with the latest news about weather and climate

  • Receive a digital copy of our monthly in-house Journal Weather
  • (A printed copy of Weather is available for an small additional fee)
  • Gain online access to a journal portfolio of eight titles, including the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, International Journal of Climatology and WIRES Climate Change
  • Receive exclusive monthly members newsletter with the latest news and events from the Society

Raise your profile, share your views and connect with like minded professionals, enthusiasts, staff and volunteers

  • Attend National Meetings and Conferences, online and in person, throughout the year
  • Access RMetS Local Centres for regular informal meetings on a range of topics
  • Access RMetS Special Interest Groups to exchange information and views on specific areas of weather and climate
  • Apply to join the RMetS Council or a Committee to help run the Society
  • Volunteer with the Society, for example, as an editor for one of our Journals, and increase your skills

Develop your career with our support

  • Apply to become a Registered or Chartered Meteorologist. The Society is the only recognised authority able to award Registered or Chartered status to Meteorologists
  • Gain exclusive entry to ACCSYS, the Society’s online CPD and accreditation management tool
  • Study for a vocational qualification
  • Take part in our mentoring scheme as a mentor or mentee (coming soon)
  • Access grants and bursaries to finance expeditions, carry out research or attend meteorological conferences
  • Gain recognition through Society Awards
  • Benefit from career opportunities through resources, advice and the RMetS jobs board

Receive discounts:

  • On Society meetings and conferences
  • Through the RMetS Book Endorsement Programme and in our online Shop
  • As an author submitting to to an RMetS Journal
  • On membership fees for members of the American Meteorological Society, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Indian Meteorological Society, Institute of Physics and Royal Photographic Society


Ready to become an RMetS member? Join here


Questions about membership? 

Contact us and a member of our team will get back to you shortly.