What can RMetS do for energy sector professionals?

From blog posts and podcasts to briefing papers, research articles and masterclasses, RMetS offers a variety of subject-relevant content to help energy sector professionals.


Energy Forum 2023: Challenges and Opportunities

Watch the keynotes from the October Energy Forum here.


Operations and short-term trading

Nowcasts and weather forecasts a few days ahead help system operators plan for supply and demand, prepare for extreme events and warn consumers about potential disruptions to supply.

Find out more:
Blog: How energy networks are using weather and climate science to adapt to climate change
Article: Greenest Day Ever for the National Grid
Event recording: Keeping the Lights on During Solar Storms: Space Weather as an Energy Sector Hazard, June 2023
Journal article: Characterizing renewable energy compound events across Europe using a logistic regression-based approach


Trading and medium-term planning

Knowing the likely weather a season ahead helps inform energy traders and medium-term planners about likely energy supply and demand. It can also indicate the expected number and severity of extreme events, and enable anticipatory action.

Find out more:
Event report: Seasonal Forecasts and Their Use in the Energy Sector, November 2023
Event report: Seasonal Forecasts and Their Use in the Energy Sector, November 2022
Explanation: Weather and Energy Trading
Event recording: Seasonal Climate Services for the Energy Industry, April 2021
Event recording: Tailoring Seasonal Climate Forecasts for the Utility Sector, May 2022


Future planning and climate change adaptation

Climate projections and decadal forecasts help energy companies prepare for the impact of climate change on their assets and business.

Find out more:
External Blog: Ensuring that energy systems remain resilient under climate change presents new challenges for the energy sector
Blog: How extreme weather threatens to bring down UK’s power lines and halt supply to homes
Blog: How could decadal forecasts help the energy sector plan for climate variability?
Journal article: C3S Energy: A climate service for the provision of power supply and demand indicators for Europe based on the ERA5 reanalysis and ENTSO-E data