Honorary Fellows of RMetS
Honorary Fellowship of the Society is a signal honour bestowed by Council at their discretion on distinguished members of the profession and carries the full privileges of Fellowship. Honorary Fellows are entitled to use the letters HonFRMetS.
Following are the Honorary Fellows of the Society who have consented to have their names published.
His Majesty King Charles III
Sir David Attenborough HonFRMetS, CBE, FRS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2011
Prof Lennart Bengtsson HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2009
Prof Keith Browning HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2006
Prof Harry Bryden HonFRMetS FRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2013
Dr David Burridge CBE HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2011
Prof Christopher George Collier HonFRMetS CMet - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2012
Dr Antonio Divino Moura HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2013
Prof Kerry Emanuel HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2015
Dr John Eyre HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2021
Prof Georgy Golitsyn HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2011
Prof Joanna Dorothy Haigh HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2017
Prof Klaus Hasselmann HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2013
Prof Sir Brian Hoskins CBE HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2001
Prof Lord Julian Hunt HonFRMetS FRMetS FRS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2011
Prof Philip Jones HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2018
Prof Chiu-ying Lam HonFRMetS CMet - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2010
Prof Andrew Lorenc HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2021
Dr Syukuro Manabe HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2006
Prof Taroh Matsuno HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2013
Prof Michael McIntyre HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2018
Prof Timothy Palmer HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2020
Dr Peter Ryder CB HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2007
Prof Dame Julia Slingo CB HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2017
Prof Susan Solomon HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2017
Dr Olivier Talagrand HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2012
Prof Alan Thorpe HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2018
Prof Peter Webster HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2017
Prof Guoxiong Wu HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2012
Prof Carl Wunsch HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2012
Prof John Zillman AO FAA FTSE HonFRMetS - elected as an Honorary Fellow in 2011
Honorary Fellowship Requirements
The Regulations for Honorary Fellowship are laid down in By-Law 12 as follows:
An Honorary Fellow shall be:
1. A person who is distinguished by their work in Meteorology or related sciences.
2. A distinguished person whom The Society desires to honour for services rendered to The Society or whose association therewith is of benefit to The Society.
Honorary Fellows shall be elected by the Council and every such election shall be announced at the next General Meeting of The Society. The election of new Honorary Fellows shall only be admissible if the then number of Honorary Fellows does not exceed 1% of the membership at the time of appointment.
Notwithstanding this, the Society will always have a minimum of twenty places for Honorary Fellows. In addition the Patron of the Society shall, on taking up office, normally be elected as an Honorary Fellow.
Honorary Fellows shall enjoy the rights of Fellows and hereafter, unless explicitly stated otherwise, references to Fellows shall be deemed to include Honorary Fellows.